Amma says the benefits and importance of chanting the lalithasahasranama
Sri Lalitha Sahasranam is an ancient sacred hymn to the divine mother which is said to bring many blessing to ourself and to the world.
Mother who has listen the sorrows of millions of people all around the world and she dedicated her life for the relief of their pains, as a result of her untiring efforts lalitha sahasranama archana has been wide spread even among the general public. Mother, with her untiring efforts usually arranges big group of devotees chanting sahasranama in india and abroad. If you ask someone who has participated in this Group archana, they say it’s very energizing and the feeling of some divine presence. Amma says the importance of chanting the 1000 names of Lalitha parameswari in the present time. In the present age, the instinct of motherly love and compassion has been lost from human minds. Feminine qualities like compassion and love should be stronger in men and masculine qualities like steadiness and courage nous should grow in women; rapid growth will be then possible in both material and spiritual life. The worship of the divine mother is ideal for enhancing these good qualities. The worship using lalithasahasranam has the upmost value in developing peace and prosperity in family life and for the peace and prosperity of the world. Amma says there will never be a shortage of food or clothing in homes where lalitha sahasranama is chanted. In ancient days Gurus when giving mantra to their disciples usually instructed to do lalitha sahasranama archana as well. That was because Divine mother will take care of the disciple through the grace of the 1000 names. The best time for chanting the sahasranam is during the morning time.
Amma says lalitha devi will protect always those who chant the sacred lalitha sahasranama , there will not be a shortage of food or clothing for those who chants lalitha sahasranam daily with devotion and they will attain spiritual uplift as well.
Amma says doing daily lalitha sahasranama Archana is beneficial for the prosperity of own house and for the peace of whole world. Archana is a penance for the wrong deeds or misconduct in the past and gives strength to live a dharmic(the do’s and donts which may vary from person to person) life. Even the atmosphere is cleansed if archana is done daily. Amma says doing Archana will invoke the latent powers of our each nadhi, which are the energy channels located in the etheric body or energy body and it does not mean the physical nerves. Chanting this Sahasranama brings prosperity to one's self and family, and it purifies, protects and brings quick and tremendous spiritual advancement. "The Lalita Sahasranama is the golden chain that links the material and the spiritual realms. Although the chant may seem difficult, it is very easy to begin with a little practice. Amma says children if you do archana daily with concentration and devotion, you need not perform any other poojas or homams to get rid of the bad effects in certain astrological periods. Archana is a remedy for all.
You can get archana book transliterated in English from ammas shop. In addition to this beautiful chant, this booklet also includes various prayers and sacred mantras, as well as a manasa puja, or mental worship of the Divine Mother composed by Amma herself. Also includes the 108 names of Amma.Archana book in languages other than english is available at Ammas ashram book stalls. I prefer the best is to buy Lalithasahasranama booklet from ammas book shops, unlike booklet from other shops it will be free from printing errors which may cause misspell of mantras. ലളിതാസഹസ്രനാമം ഫലശ്രുതി അമ്മയുടെ വാക്കുകളില്
ലളിതസഹസ്രനാമം ഭക്തിപൂര്വം മുടങ്ങാതെ ദിവസവും ജപിക്കുന്നവരെ സര്വാഭീഷ്ട പ്രദായിനി ആയ ദേവി സദാ കാത്തുരക്ഷിച്ചു കൊള്ളും. അവര്ക്ക് അന്നത്തിനോ വസ്ത്രത്തിനോ ഒരിക്കലും മുട്ടുണ്ടാവില്ല. അതോടൊപ്പം ആത്മീയ ഉന്നതിയും അവര് കൈവരിക്കും.Ohm Sri lalithambikayyai namah