Annual 2012 Moon Sign Scorpio Vrischika Rashi Horoscope Predictions
Free Moon Sign Scorpio Vrischika Rashi 2012 Astrological Predictions Free Moon Sign Scorpio Vrischika Rasi 2012 Horoscope Forecast
Though this year begins with first phase of Saday Sathi still this year promises good results in professional career. You will be dominating in your professional life. Long awaited betterment is on the cards. You will be able to take good and positive decisions and your knowledge will prove handy to overcome opponents and obstacles. People who will try to obstruct your growth will face defeat. You will secretly fulfill your plans and objectives. It is suggested to keep control on your aggression especially dealing with your immediate seniors as you may easily annoy them. You may cause big loss to your self by using hard words. Secret enemies can cause serious harm in this year. Take loans only when it is utmost desired. You can expect many happy moments in this year to enjoy. If you are planning to invest in property, this is the right year for you. If there are any pending legal cases, you will dominate on your opponents with some concerns of over expenses. If you are residing in rental property or managing your office through rental space, you will get much pressure to increase the rent or vacate the premises. This year you will have to undertake travels which will give poor results. This year is not very auspicious as far health is concerned. You may expect some planned surgery in this year with health problems to a close relative especially parents. There is possibility of an accidents in later half of this year. Keep yourself away from any stock trading in this year. You will be spending extra money on your children this year. Despite of healthy professional environment, you will find it difficult to control outflow of money causing deterioration in bank balance. Overall, despite of ups and downs in professional career and impact of Saday Sathi, you have good year on the card. Take special precaution while trusting people. You may plan to go away from home for professional reasons, for betterment in income and progress, but results will not be favorable and you may decide to return back in short time.
Unmarried people can get married this year. Your children due for marriage will also get married this year. This is an ordinary year for the love affairs.
Students will find it difficult to concentrate in studies. Despite of efforts, results will not be as per expectations. Students completing education and looking for job will get suitable job but after going through tough competition.
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