Mesha Rasi Predictions 2012, Horoscope of Aries Moon Sign
Mesha Rasi (Aries moon sign or Aries zodiac sign) is the first among 12 Rashi systems of Hindu Astrology. 2013 will be good one for Mesha rasi natives. Positive movement will come in financial and money matters. Long awaiting issues will be cleared during 2013 year. Marriage settlements are on cards. Due to the positive energy from Guru graha (Brihaspati / Jupiter), the social status will be improved. In education and career, you will find a spark of development.
Mesha Rasi is comprised of all padas or charans of Ashwini Nakshatra, Bharani Nakshatram, and Krittika Nakshatra 1st pada. Those who are born between March 21 and April 19 are the natives of Aries Zodiac as per the date of birth.
The major causes of any positive or negative predictions and results for Mesha rashi in 2013 are: Janma Rashi transit of Brihaspati (Guru transit), Shani transit into Tula rashi and Kanya rasi, Ketu in 2nd house, Rahu in 8th house, Surya Grahan & Chandra Grahan, Guru lop (moodam) & Shukra lop.
Tags : saturn prediction for mesha rasi, mesha rasi 2013 hindupad, 2013 janma rasi predictions, vedic astrology prediction for mesha rashi 2012, tula rashi from may 2012, moon sign predictions for jan 2012, moon sign gemini 2012, mesha rasi predictions 2012, mesha rasi january 2013 predictions, is today good day for aries rashi?
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