Orissa New Year 2012, Mahavishuba Sankranti 2012
Orissa New Year, also popular as Mahavishuba Sankranti or Pana Sankranti, marks the transition of Sun into Mesha rashi or Aries from Meenam or Pisces. In 2012, Orissa New Year date is April 13. On this day new Oriya Panji begins with Baisakh month. A special recipe called ‘Pana’ is prepared and distributed among the people.
The same day, Bengali New Year Day (Pohela Boishakh) and Bohag Bihu (Assamese New Year) are celebrated. Tamil New Year Day (Chithirai Vishu) is also celebrated on Mahavishuba Sankranti day.
Tags : oriya rashi calendar of 2012, orissa new year, orissa new year day, pana sankranti in 2012, sankranti month of oct 2o11 oriya, www new year oriya calender
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