How to purify your Place from Negative Energies and psychic contaminations

How to purify your Place from Negative Energies and psychic contamination

Negative energies and psychic dirt’s create all problems in life. certain places are extremely dirtier than others. Spending time at these places will affect your energy body. It makes your energy dirt; eventually it will create many deceases in physical body and mind. You should practice cleaning dirty energy regularly in order to keep body and mind healthy. Panic healers use some easy techniques to clean dirty energies, you can also practice these.
Few methods to clean the deceased energy from a room
1, Burn incense and camphor
Sandalwood is the most used cleaning incense, it contains much green prana. However you can use other fragrances also like lavender, sage. Lavender incense contains blue and violet prana, and sage incense contains green, blue and violet prana. Evaporate camphor morning and evening, because negative energies will get much stronger during evening times. Clairvoyantly we see that with camphor fumes energies of disease and lack of wealth are destroyed.
2, Opening Doors and Windows
Opening doors and windows is an easier way to purify your space, by doing this much solar and air prana will flush in. An hour or two will sufficiently clean moderate negative energy from your house.
3, Spray Mixture of Salt and water using a sprayer OR spray cleaning liquid (mixture of Spirit, Rose and sandal water)
Salt water has a great capacity to clean dirty energies, Mix a few tablespoons of salt with a cup of water in a sprayer with a fine misting capability. Shake to dissolve the salt. Walk through a room spraying the salt and water into the air, allowing the droplets to filter down to the floor, salt water bath will clean your aura from negative energies. Holy water of the Catholic Church is essentially salt water with the priest’s benediction on it. But the cleaning process is much faster if you use the Cleaning liquid to spray (cleansing spray can be bought from medical shops or Pranic healing foundation shops) .While mopping the floor mix sea-salt and camphor oil in it, both have capacity to disperse negative energy
4, Chanting Mantra Or Ohm
Chanting a mantra , Ohm or Amen to clean a dirty room. chanting mantras and ohm will disperse all negative energies, this is why places where mantra chanting is a routine has a calm and peace nature. Mantra chanting is recommended before meditation to clear all thoughts from mind. As an alternative play audio of a mantra or ohm chanting. If mantra chanting is done with intention to clean the negative energies, the result will be much more. Chanting lalita sahasranama and other sahasranamas has good effects in cleaning psychic pollutions
5, Loud Clapping or Firing crackers
The custom behind cracker firing in Hindus festival Dewali has another side too. Sound has an ability to disperse negative energies. Loud purposeful clapping can dispel the negative energy in a room. Walk around the room by clapping with a clear intention to dispel negative energy. Do this for 10 to 30 times depending on the size of the room, one clap per second is good pace.
6, Light mustard oil lamp
Fire has no external reality, aura character of fire depends on the oil used, It clean ups the dirty energies coming out from the aura of people, especially from lower chakras, These energies includes those of envy, anger, hatred, frustration, helplessness
7, Imagine cleaning with electric violet prana
If you are not in a condition to do these things, just imagine, using your will, focusing your crown chakra, imagine violet prana flows out from your palm (hand chakra), visualize Violet beams-flushing out all negativity into the earth. Do this for at least five minutes or until you feel the area feels lighter, pray while doing this. Scan the area (scanning is a technique used by pranic healers to find the energy level of any place, things. you can also learn to do scanning easily by doing a basic course in pranic healing) to find the energy level, you will be feeling much lesser negative energy vibrations.
Learn Pranic healing, your hands can heal

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